What can you expect from us for Anirevo Toronto’s inaugural year

Posted by: Anirevo Staff | February 11, 2025
2025 News & Updates

Have any of you ever attended Anirevo Vancouver’s first year, way back in 2012? If so, that would really help explain our vision of how we want our first year in Toronto to be. It was filled with fear, excitement, and hopes for us.

We stayed up the entire night before the event and hoped we didn’t forget anything. We worked tirelessly to make sure no detail was overlooked and every avenue was explored in order to bring the best event we could create, with no regrets.

If you look in the very right of the frame, you’ll see our server, a server that promptly died on us on day 1 of the event. Did we have a backup? Of course not, but since then, we’ve moved to the cloud that does automated backups for us. But did we learn a lot from that moment, you bet we did (we also had some great laughs about it, a few years later).

Suffice it to say, no matter how much we prepared, this was just one of the many hurdles we had to quickly overcome. This experience taught us “how you solve the problem” is just as important (maybe even more important) than “how to avoid a problem”. For Anirevo Toronto, we bring over a decade of experience of mistakes, mistakes that we’ve learned from and hope that we’ve become better for.

While the budget we’ve allocated for Toronto is currently not the same as our Vancouver show, we fully expect to grow into that budget sooner than later. We still intend to bring some Japanese guests, some North American guests, contests, performances, a vibrant exhibitor hall (where you’ll find lots of Artists and Vendors to spend all your hard earned money on), and hopefully build a strong community that has another event to look forward to each year.

On behalf of the entire team in Vancouver, we look forward to bringing the same joy and passion to Toronto with all of you!

See you all in November!



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